Fuuto PI is an upcoming Japanese anime adapted from a Japanese manga sequel of the Kamen Rider W TV series. The sequel is about to be released as an anime to spice up and give viewers a better taste of the manga’s events. The news of the anime has been going on for a while and fans as well as anime lovers have been waiting for the release. The good news is, it has been announced that the anime will soon be released. This announcement came with interesting updates to prove that it was not just a prank, but it is real work coming up and out.
What is Fuuto PI about?
Fuuto PI revolves around Shotaro Hidari, who works at Narumi Detective agency as a private detective. He is partners with Raito Sonozaki who happens to be the sole survivor of the sonozaki family who has access to the Gaia library. They both transform into Kamen Rider W who help in protecting the city from Fuuto Dopants. Kamen Rider W is a combination of the two detectives who become one in body. They were a mask and ride a motorcycle to fight criminals often related to their origin.
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How many volumes does Fuuto PI Manga have?
All of Fuuto PI chapters have been collected and put into 12 volumes. These volumes were written by Yousuke Kabashima and directed by Tatsuto Higuchi.
Is Fuuto PI Manga still Releasing Chapters ?
From we see so far, there will be no new release of chapters because the last one was released in February 2022. After that, they scheduled the anime adaptation for August 2022
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What has been Released About the Fuuto PI Anime?
The Fuuto PI anime has given a teaser by its reveal of key visuals Fuuto PI anime.
Not just that, it has also revealed a theme song for the anime. The title of the theme song is Tsumi to Batsu to Angura which means crime, punishment and the underground. The theme song artist is Mitsuru Matsuoka. He wrote the lyrics as well as singing the vocals. Also, the new instrumental theme song, “Private Eye” will be performed by the instrumental unit Big Gadgets and Aya Kamiki w Takuya. In addition, Aya Kamiki w Takuya interpreted the opening of Kamen Rider W and came up with the chorus in the new song. So the theme song artists are Mitsuru Matsuoka, Big Gadgets and Aya Kamiki w Takuya. A couple of visuals for the characters have been released. We have;
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Ryu Terui, Akiko Narumi, Philip, Shotaro Hidari, Tokime and Yukiji Bando. Appearance from left to right.
When will the Anime be Released?
The anime will be released on the 8th of August precisely at 10:00p.m. Before the official release, there will be an early premier a week earlier on the U-NEXT streaming service at midnight of August 1st. The airing of the anime itself will begin on the 22nd August 2022. The anime held an event with the cast and that is where the various theme songs and their artists were revealed. It is coming to celebrate the Kamen Rider franchise which has been going on for 50 years. This is indeed epic.
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Fuuto PI Anime New Key Visuals
The key visual for the anime is a picture of Shotaro Hidari and his partner Philip.
Which Countries will have Access to the Premier of the Fuuto PI Anime?
According to Crunchyroll, the anime will be streaming in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East and CIS. This is great because almost every corner of the globe will get the stream on the day and at the time of the release.
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The team in charge of the release of the anime have done a great job by making sure that it will reach everybody once it is launched. There will be no limitation to access so you don’t have a reason to miss out on this. Be connected and watch this amazing piece come August 8th.
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