It is time to shiver. Time for some screaming. It is the instance of the feeling of some cold chills running down your spine. It is that moment where you generally hear the plea; “Lord let it only be a dream. Let me wake up and discover it was just a dream.” Yup! It is a scary time. So, welcome one and all to the top 10 scariest anime scenes of all time. What is graded as Scariest is not only the horror and the blood but also the imagination, creativity and ideology behind the scene. That said, our list is as follows;
- Ito Junji collection series: Glyceride
- Higurashi when they cry: Maggots coming out of Rena’s wounds
- Made in Abyss: Mitty’s Transformation
- Tokyo Ghoul: Kaneki’s Torturing
- Barefoot Gen: The atomic bomb
- Berserk: The Eclipse
- Psycho pass: Silk Corps display
- Parasite the Maxim: Shinichi’s mom
- Hell girl: Contract scenes
- Attack on Titans: First appearance of the Beast Titan
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1. Ito Junji collection Series: Glyceride
The number 1 in the top 10 scariest anime scenes of all time comes from the horror god’s anime. If you haven’t heard of him, he is called Junji Ito and you can check some of his works here.
When it comes to horrific scenes and creatures, no one does it like Junji Ito. The anime version of his works takes some of his daring and peculiar stories (Just those his stories could occupy all the 10 positions of this list). So, talking of the scariest anime scene of all time, there is the glyceride story in episode 10 of the anime.
A really strange one. You have a family that owns a restaurant but the members of the family feed on oil. The dad drinks oil every time. The eldest child, a boy, just like the dad, drinks oil too. Only the little girl doesn’t. The house is greasy.
The air is oily. When the dad gets wounded in a certain scene, oil flows instead of blood (Oh! Did I mention that the meat he serves at his restaurant is parts of his body? Gross!!!).
Due to the oil, the eldest child develops acute acne. The scene that made me deviate my eyes from my PC screen is the following. The boy one day gets home and his looks deserve a ‘warm compliment’ from his kid sister, which she kindly gives.
To ‘thank’ her for that ‘affectionate compliment’, he presses the oily juice from his facial pimples on her face and into her mouth (how can this erupt from someone’s mind). Gross and disturbingly scary. That scene turned my brain upside down. Merits the number 1 position as the scariest anime scene of all time.

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2. Higurashi when they cry: Maggots coming out of Rena’s wounds
Second in our horror rush hour is this one. It couldn’t miss in our top 10 scariest anime scenes of all time. Higurashi when they cry brings us to a little village known as Hinamizawa.. It centres on people’s lives, in particular 6 kids.
Each of those kids lives through traumatic experiences and gruesome deaths. In the first season of the anime, each of their deaths is told with respect to different views. The view that turned my stomach inside out was that of the character known as Ryuugu Rena.
Due to the influence of the village’s tradition (a particular curse), Rena begins to doubt everyone and sees everyone as her enemies. In a particular scene (the scariest one), she gets back to her hiding place and begins to scratch her skin.
Scratching it violently until her skin (that of her hand and neck) peels off. But instead of blood flowing, maggots were pouring out of her wounds. A scene to make you vomit all that is in your stomach. Clearly fits in among the top 10 scariest anime scenes of all time.

3. Made in Abyss: Mitty’s transformation
In the third position in our list of scariest anime scenes of all time, we have this peculiar transformation. Made in Abyss presents us with an adventurous area. Everyone wants to make a name by venturing into the abyss. Everyone, including kids.
The anime style is a little childish but the material is thoroughly adult. In the movie, our main characters, Riko and Reg venture into the deepest layers of the abyss. In that layer, they meet the fluffy and hairy Nanachi. Nanchi’s looks are that of an animal while she originally was human. She decides to tell them her story.
A certain deliver (the white whistle bondrewd), experimented with the effect of ‘love’ on the curse of the abyss. He made kids, in pairs, climb back the abyss using his machine.
Climbing back the abyss subjects you to dangerous hazards, ranging from painful body effects to death. Nanachi forcefully climbed the abyss with her friend Mitty.
While Mitty suffered the abyss’ curse, Nanchi received the abyss’ blessings. Mitty’s bones were crushed to liquid, her skin turned marshlike with blood oozing out from most of her prominent pores.
That cocktail of agony transformed Mitty into a grotesque creature. That nasty and scary transformation gains a place among the scariest anime scene of all time.
Mitty left from this
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To this

To finally this

4. Tokyo Ghoul: Kaneki’s torturing
The next scariest anime scene on our list is taken from Tokyo Ghoul. When you hear ghoul, you automatically think of the undead and hence scary stuff. In Tokyo Ghoul, the ghouls are like an additional race in Japan.
The main character Kaneki Ken, is half human – half-ghoul. For that, he gets hunted on all sides. He gets captured by the infamous Jason and that is where things get messy.
He is injected in the eye with a drug (RC suppressant) that suppresses his ghoul powers. After that came a roller coaster of pain. A centipede was put in his ear to crawl its way inside his head. His fingers were broken and plugged while he was still lucid.
His lucidity was maintained by making him count backwards from 1000 by subtracting 7. Did I mention that ghouls could regenerate? Hell yeah!!! Imagine the cycle of torture. Clearly fits in the top 10 scariest anime scenes of all time

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5. Barefoot gen: The atomic bomb
Most of the time the scariest things are what has happened to people in real life. That is the case for this anime that features in our top 10 scariest anime scenes of all time. War is one scary thing.
And living through it always leaves a life scar. One of the scary stuff that people won’t ever forget is the atomic bomb incident during the second world war. Guess what, this anime talks about that.
The author was only 7 years when the bomb was launched in his home town. He remembers details of what he saw and decided to make a movie about it. With the best possible animation at that time, the atomic bomb scene shows the dissolution of tissues.
Flesh falling off the bones and eyes popping out of their sockets. What makes it one of the scariest anime scenes of all time is the fact that it happened in front of a child’s eyes. All those dead and gory images certainly leave a painful scar.

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6. Berserk: The Eclipse
Next in our list of scariest anime scenes is taken from the number 1 dark fantasy anime of all time; BERSERK! The famous anime made by the late Kentarou Miura (may his soul rest in peace) is full of the most brutal struggles a human can endure. The main character, Guts (yes. his name is literally GUTS!!!) lives a very dangerous mercenary life.
His day-to-day struggles are with wars, witches, ogres and all evil creatures. Guts meet a group which he can consider a family. He laughs with them, share warm meals, and sleeps on a warm bed.
He begins to enjoy life, only to be betrayed by the leader of the group. The scariest scene ever was the scene of the eclipse. Where by the leader of the group, Griffith, in order to gain back his powers sacrifices his group members.
He summons the angels (angels with demonic appearances and pervert-like tendencies) known as the god-hand. Instead of a gentle sacrifice (like Abraham wanted to sacrifice Isaac) we are shown a brutal, bloody and scary sacrifice. All the noise heard were bone breaking and blood spurting sounds.
The main character had his hand bitten but not cut off. He chopped off his hand with a broken blade (just try conceiving the pain). His eye got slowly burst by a demon and to top it off there was an orgy scene.
That scene made me shiver and sometimes even question myself. Clearly merits a place in the top 10 scariest anime scenes of all time.

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7. Psycho pass: Silk corps display
The most psychological anime, filled with adult thoughts and defying ideologies clearly has many scenes that can feature in the top 10 scariest anime scenes of all time. Psycho pass takes off with a certain law enforcer known as Kogami Shinya pursuing the charismatic, smart, and strong Makishima Shogo.
In his search for vengeance, he comes across all sorts of horrific crime scenes. The one that got me almost not sleeping was the case of serial murder in a certain high school.
An honor student, a very beautiful girl decides to do in real life what her late father described in his novels. She begins to kill all the girls that fawn over her. Dipping their bodies in liquid plastic and silk and displaying their reassembled dispatched bodies in public places for everyone to see.
Each of the displays had an artistic touch (Demented!! How can death be artistic) with a certain message to transmit. Very dark ideology and clearly very scary. So disturbing that it appears in our list of scariest anime scenes of all time.

8. Parasyte the maxim: Shinichi’s mom
Still continuing with our list of scariest anime scenes of all time is one featuring aliens that come to Earth but need a human viable host in order to survive (just like venom). The aliens are actually ugly and look like worms with eyes.
The main character (MC) with his own alien has to kill the other aliens in order to ‘protect’ the ignorant folks. But with great power comes great responsibilities and great sacrifices. His mother got forcefully infected by an alien after having her chest opened with a sword.
As if it was not sufficient the alien in the MC’s mom was looking for him. The scene that almost made me go into shock is the one where the mother’s head opened up like a flower.
The details were a bit too much and my imagination was at its peak (imagine all the scenes that transpired in my mind). That scene was traumatizing and hence features in our list of most horrifying anime scenes of all time.

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9. Hell girl: Contract scenes
The name of the anime needs no explanation. It is also clear that many of its scenes can be considered very scary scenes. So much so that they are on our list of the scariest anime scene of all time. Hell Girl shows us the malevolent nature of humans. Selfish, jealous and greedy creatures.
In that nature, we always seek easy solutions to suit our desires. Among the solutions there is vengeance. In hell girl, there is a website where people submit target names for vengeance. The site is only accessible at midnight and a little girl, known as Enma Ai takes care of the rest.
The scariest part of the anime is the part when the contract is formulated. You are made to have an Avant goût of hell and all its horrors. After that, you are presented with a contract and assured that if you accept the deal your vengeance will be fulfilled but your soul is 100% booked for hell.
Isn’t that desperately scary? But some will accept (humans…). Just the thought of accepting that gave me stomach burns. Hence, I inserted it in our list of the scariest anime scene of all time.

10. Attack on Titans: First appearance of the Beast Titan
Last but not least comes from the thrilling anime: Attack on Titans. It has very bloody scenes but there is one scene that got me thinking about why getting goosebumps.
I counted that scene in our top 10 scariest anime scenes of all time. One thing that will keep on scaring humanity is the fear to accept change. The fear of accepting progress.
An example of that kind of fear is the appearance of the beast Titan. When watching the attack on Titan season 1 initially, we know that Titans can’t speak.
Only dumb wailing sounds. But in season 2, the appearance of a particular intelligent titan inspired fear in all the characters (and viewers too).
That titan is the BEAST TITAN. He cornered one of the survey corps members. The dude already trembling in fear of being eaten by the titan got struck into further despair when he heard the titan speaking to him.
He was so scared that he couldn’t even answer back (I too got scared till my brain froze. Gross exaggeration here).
But this scene is not the classic messy, bloody-inspired fear. It is that psychological breakdown type. Fear is brought by utter weakness in the presence of overwhelming power.
That kind of fear has a long-term effect. That is one of the scariest things and that is why that scene appears in our top 10 scariest anime scenes of all time.
The Beast Titan

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So be it! It was quite a journey (a thrilling and cold chilly one) but all things have an end. The horror genre is always a complicated kind to realize. But when well done, it leaves a lingering pain of a fish bone stuck at the back of your throat (swallowing even saliva becomes disturbing).
Gratefully, though complicated to realize, some geniuses made it. From their works, we got cold chills, we got nasty thoughts, we got psychological barriers kicking in at some point (closing your eyes when things get messy).
From their works, we isolated some special moments that make up the top 10 scariest anime scenes of all time. But this doesn’t end here (it clearly can’t end here).
Though in our list above, we have cited the 10 most disturbing scenes ever in the history of anime, the horror still continues. Hence check out other messy, spooky and blood-coagulating animes by following the link below.

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