Top 15 Epic My Hero Academia Quotes, Ranked – Tradnow

Across all forms of media, no matter how much we consume, there are always things that stay with us, even when we’re done. From memorable fights and heroic deeds to life-changing lessons and quotes to live by, they’ve got them all. In the realm of anime, everyone is familiar with the common “Never give up!” maxims and “Believe in yourself” mantras. In this article, we’ll be showing off the top 15 epic My Hero Academia quotes, which may influence you in more ways than one.
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15. “We should always start with the basics to develop the depth of learning. We must strive to devote ourselves wholeheartedly.” -Momo Yaoyorozu.

The first of our My Hero Academia quotes comes from one of the most level-headed and ingenious characters in the show. Momo points out that in learning and becoming great, we must nail the basics. In a society where many wish for fast results, basics are often overlooked.
To some, learning the basics is almost degrading! From mastery of the basics, we may then grow a certain devotion to anything we are learning and always have a solid foundation. “I fear not the man who has practised 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practised one kick 10,000 times”. Same energy, don’t you think?
14. “A goal with no plan is called a delusion. You need a plan in order to achieve your goal.” -Kai Chisaki

Do villains really get to give My Hero Academia quotes? Yes, but they would have to be good ones at least, which Chisaki sure does give. It takes a calm and calculated mind to plot schemes that work, just as he advises. A lot of people have goals, but really don’t think about how to get to them.
We can’t just brute force our way, we need to be intentional, to think, to PLAN. Learn to chart out a course to reach your destination, just like using a map. Even if it fails, you’ll know precisely what and where you failed. Don’t be shy to take a life hack from a villain! It’s too good to miss out on!
13. “There’s nothing crueler than letting a dream end midway”. -Shota Aizawa

Who would have known that the stone-cold Eraserhead would know a thing or two about cruelty? Coming from one who seems to have no ambition, is always groggy and sleep-deprived, it’s worth writing that down. Among My Hero Academia quotes, this one hits home for many. We all have dreams, some more fickle than others.
Some matter a lot to us, and we are ready to give it our all to achieve them. That aside, it’s a cruel world out there, and “if wishes were horses, everyone would ride”. The world has a mean way of crushing people’s dreams, and sadly enough, it’s a common happening.
We need to keep fighting, against all odds. In the end, we will be content knowing we tried. Be cautious out there.
12. “Remember why you started down this path, and let that memory carry you beyond your limit!” -All Might

In swift conjunction with the last quote which was a bit gloomy, All Might brings in the passion. This is top among inspirational My Hero Academia quotes, and it even embeds itself in the anime’s slogan. (Go Beyond, PLUS ULTRA).
One way of concretising the drive for our actions is to give reasons why we do them. The stronger/ more important the reason is, the more we will be compelled to reach the goal. In All Might’s case, he has a heavy burden; To protect the people.
If he stops for a second, millions could die! So he must carry on, in spite of all. As he does it, you should too. Even when you think it’s over, there’s always fuel left to carry on. Remember why you started and Go Beyond!
RELATED: Surprising scenes and moments in My Hero Academia.
11. “My motivation may seem trivial compared to yours, but I can’t lose either. I have to live up to the hopes of those who supported me!” -Izuku Midoriya

Sometimes you feel like the tides are closing in, and you don’t have any fight left in you. You feel it isn’t worth pushing further, and you’d be better off stopping. You’ve even exhausted the “beyond” fuel you had, but you remember all the people who put their trust in you.
If you think you can’t believe in yourself as much as you need to, let the faith of others drive you. They believe in you! They know you can do it! Just a bit of shared positivity can make a big change, not just because Deku says so. Not wanting to let those who believe in you down may just give you that extra boost you need.
10. “I live every day of my life like there’s no tomorrow so that when my number is up, I can check out with no regrets! -Rumi Usagiyama

This idea has been expressed countless times, in many ways. Not many have been able to coin it in such a cool way. It deserves to be up there among other powerful My Hero Academia quotes, just like its author, Miruko, the no.5 Pro Hero. It can’t be stressed enough that every day, we should live at 100%.
Not only is it more efficient, but more fulfilling too. With each day if we give it our all, we won’t have room to regret not doing anything. We’d have done everything we wanted! We’re not perfect, and may not hit 100% every day, but we sure can try to get close!
9. “Whether you win or lose, you can always come out ahead by learning from the experience.” -All Might.

Unlike victory, loss is very feared and despised in the world. Instead of focusing on the end result, All Might attempt to recalibrate us to look at the journey. In the whole process, we must have learnt one or two things which will help in our growth, regardless of the end result.
Whether we win or we lose, we should learn to carry those lessons with us. If we do this continuously, the end result will never matter, as we will only see the progress we have made. We should adopt a more intentional and grateful mindset towards our actions.
Such a life lesson deserves a spot among inspirational My Hero Academia quotes.
8. “If I match my pace with everyone else’s, then I’ll never be number one.” -Izuku Midoriya

Although this statement is self-explanatory, it doesn’t make it any lower among powerful My Hero Academia quotes. Izuku hints at the reality that if we do things the same way others do, we can’t expect special results. If we want to be anything special, it doesn’t come by luck.
We need to go the extra mile, to go BEYOND everyone else’s regular efforts. If you can truly make it that extra mile, prepare to be quite lonely. It’s an effort not many actually make, even if they talk the talk.
7. “I just wanna love, live and die my way. My normal way. I wanna be even more like the people I love.” -Himiko Toga

Things in the world today move at such a breakneck pace that it’s hard to keep up. Everyone is shooting to be a millionaire, wanting to get everything they want, and learning the surest ways to get there. Most people just plainly forget that it’s possible to do it the way YOU want to.
Sure, you can read books and learn a surefire way to get to the end. But that’s the same as using a walkthrough to complete a game. Have you ever thought how fun it could be to complete life in your own unique way?
No two routes are the same, and we need to appreciate ourselves enough to stay in our own lanes sometimes. We need to find a healthy balance, just as Toga does.
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6. “All men are not created equal.” -Izuku Midoriya

The statement is quite nuanced, so let’s break it down. All men, by initial status, are equal, but they aren’t all created equal. That’s the catch. We aren’t all born the same; some are born into wealthy/poor families. Some people possess skills that others don’t. Some are tall, others are tiny.
People aren’t really sculpted the same, but being human puts us on a basic even playing field. Midoriya wants us to acknowledge that there are areas we may be lacking in, but encourage us to play to our strengths. Heroic quotes from My Hero Academia aside, it has far-reaching implications in everyday life.
5. “No matter what you want to accomplish, it is necessary to have conviction and desire. Those without it and those who are weak will be weeded out. It’s only natural.” -Hero Killer Stain.

Very similar to earlier My Hero Academia quotes on the list, Stain gives us a rational way to act. One must always remember the “why” of our endeavours. Even being a villain, Stain and All Might seem to be on the same wavelength here.
If you have no reason for doing something, you probably won’t see it till the end. We need to pick our battles wisely, as well as our motivations for them. In due time, those who know not why they fight will fall away, leaving the ground only for the strong-hearted.
4. “Wanting to do it and being suitable for it are different issues.” -Tenya Iida

A common ideology shared in shonen anime is the “Break Through it All” mentality. Nothing is too tough, as long as you give it your all and push forward. While that isn’t an all-bad mindset to have, Iida urges us to be a bit more rational.
Coming from one of the smartest characters, it’s worth dedicating brain cells to. We need to work efficiently, precisely taking on things which play to our strengths. In the same light as Deku’s quote on not being created equal, there’ll always be someone made for something.
We shouldn’t try to bulldoze our way through a path not meant for us. So the next time you want to take on a duty, think of if you’re remotely capable. If not, you’ll only have blind optimism and the power of belief to work with.
3. “You must’ve thought, “As long as I face the future, I can be better!” I can tell you’re at a loss for words, so here’s the answer! The past never dies! Get it yet!? Y’reap what you sow!” -Dabi.

Many may not remember this quote in a positive light, and we totally get that. In fact, it sends shivers down our spines. Anyone who remembers Dabi’s infamous speech will know he was up to no good. On the flip side, we’ll take All Might’s advice about learning despite the outcome to learn from this quote.
Yes, the past doesn’t fade away. What we have done cannot be retracted, and we may regret it forever. What we can do, however, while facing the future, is strive to be better.
We should aim to evolve, and not make the same mistakes we are ashamed of, and stay in a rut. Dabi does tell the truth, but it’s only a half-truth, as our pasts don’t define our futures! So don’t give up, as long as you’re alive, you can clean yourself up!
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2. “Even trash has its pride. If someone has expectations for us, we must meet them.” -Yu Hojo.

Bearing similarities with the 11th quote on this list, the premise is the same. Even when we feel that we don’t have enough confidence in ourselves, others can spur us on. Our brains trick us into giving up a lot of the time. Sometimes, an external voice of reason is all we need to keep us in check.
1. “It is fine now. Why? Because I am here!” -All Might

While this quote may not have far-reaching implications for real life, it certainly is among the epic My Hero Academia quotes that everyone knows.
The quote just bleeds confidence and reliability from one who wants and can save everyone. If you are to take anything from this quote, it should be an aspiration. Aspire to be that reliable person whose presence can put all fear to rest.
As much as quotes may be memorable, they can’t always be applied to real-life circumstances. The relatability factor often makes them a lot better, so we hope you enjoyed our selection of quotes. Contrary to the belief that anime is just brainless entertainment for kids, you can actually learn a thing or two.
Are there any more epic My Hero Academia quotes you feel should have been on this list? Do any honourable mentions deserving of a spot? Share the article with a friend, and see if they agree! You may want to look at other quotes from legendary anime characters before leaving too. As always, don’t forget to Go Beyond, PLUS ULTRA!
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