Boruto: Naruto Next Generation is a manga series written and illustrated by Ukyō Kodachi, Masashi Kishimoto and Mikio Ikemoto respectively. It’s a sequel to the Naruto Series. Fans have been when will chapter 69 of the Manga Boruto be released. Well we will be answering this question in the post and be telling you what you may expect in chapter 69(spoiler :))
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A Brief Summary about Boruto Chapter 68
In Chapter 68 talks about Momoshiki’s sacrifice then shifted to focus on Amado after Code appeared. He infiltrated Konoha through a claw mark he left on Shikamaru. However, Shikamaru was just luring Code into Amado’s lab and then unleashed Delta upon him. At the last moment, Code pulle Eida through a claw mark hence marking her official entre into a confrontation.
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When will Chapter 69 of the Manga Boruto be released ?
Chapter 69 of the Manga Boruto is set to be released on April 20, 2022. The release time for Japan is at 12:00 AM (JST) on April 20. As for other readers the chapter will be available at the following different time zones:
- Pacific Time: 9.00 AM on Wednesday, April 20, 2022
- Central Time: 11.00 AM on Wednesday, April 20, 2022
- Eastern Time: 12.00 PM on Wednesday, April 20, 2022
- British Time: 5.00 PM on Wednesday, April 20, 2022
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Where can you read Boruto Chapter 69 ?
You read Chapter 69 of the Manga Boruto on the Official Viz Shonen Jump website. Equally, you can read the chapter on the MangaPlus website or app
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What will you be expecting on Chapter 69 of the Manga Boruto ?
Don’t worry I won’t be spoiling you 🙂 because I don’t really know what this chapter is reserving. But I like like to thing that there may be a confrontation between Delta and Code. On the other hand, Eida may be manipulating other shinobis with her ability. Well I insist that, this is only some speculations.
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